World War II

WWII: March 5, 1944 -Unteroffizier Irmfred Klotz Shot me Down – Chuck Yeager

By Victoria Yeager / January 11, 2015

The generally accepted research shows that 22 year old Unteroffizier Irmfred Klotz flying a Focke Wulf 190 shot my airplane down on March 5, 1944. I was 21, thinking I was Sierra Hotel just the day before, now this guy is thinking he’s Sierra Hotel. The day after I shot down his first two enemy aircraft, although…

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Chuck Yeager: Where I Was on December 7, 1941 When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

By Victoria Yeager / December 8, 2014

General Chuck Yeager’s words: I had entered the Army Air Corps September 9, 1941, fresh out of high school and a summer of working with Dad, chores, huntin’, swimmin’ and fishin’.               On December 7, 1941; I was stationed at Moffett Field in California, still a crew chief, although…

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November 23, 1943: Off to war. And England.

By Victoria Yeager / December 2, 2014

November 23, 1943: Off to war. In General Chuck Yeager’s words: We got on the Queen Elizabeth to cross the Atlantic Ocean to war. There were 25,000  – one third a-sleeping, one third a-eating, one third a-puking. Then we switched every 8 hours. One guy asked, “Aren’t you feeling okay?” The other one said, “What?…

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March 1944: Escaping the Germans over the Pyrenees

By Victoria Yeager / April 6, 2014

By the first light, we set out in the rain, deciding to at least start out together and see how it goes. By noon, two of us have made it to the timberline in gale winds. The others are not even in sight. The French have provided bread, cheese, and chocolate in our knapsacks. The…

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March 26, 1944: Pyrenees Foothills: AVOID border Spanish-might sell us to Gestapo

By Victoria Yeager / April 2, 2014

The moment I hop in the back, the truck takes off. There are four or five other guys seated on the benches, and nobody says a word. mainly because they are too busy hanging on while the driver barrels down twisting backstreets, doing fifty or better. I hear the guy seated next to me mutter,…

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March 25, 1944: Maquis Kick Me Out

By Victoria Yeager / April 1, 2014

The Maquis live off the villages, not off the woods. The villages are dangerous, crawling with Germans and Vichy police, but guys slip into town to buy food, cigarettes, and medicine, using phony ration stamps and money. I’m amazed that no one is ever caught, or if they are, maybe I’m not told about it.…

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March 24, 1944, Maquis’ Moon-face

By Victoria Yeager / March 31, 2014

I’m the first American pilot they’ve encountered and they’re curious about what I think of the German air force. I tell them that the FockeWuld 190 is a damned good fighter, probably on a part iwth our own P-51 Mustang: but the Mustang using 108 gallon wing tanks, can escort bombers and dogfight deep into…

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March 22, 1944: Hiding from German Air Patrols

By Victoria Yeager / March 29, 2014

March 22, 1944. We are in the woods, eating. It’s early morning. We hear the German patrol airplane. Everyone stops still. We listen. It’s fairly close. We check our surroundings. We are under good cover but…recently a few of the guys had gone off and ambushed a German patrol. The Germans are very angry. No…

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March 20-21, 1944: Evading Germans & Recon planes

By Victoria Yeager / March 21, 2014

Most of the time I have no idea where we are. We are constantly on the move, making camp twice a day to eat and sleep never staying anywhere more than a few hours at a time. The Germans are always hunting for us, their Fiesler Storches skinning in low over the forest while we…

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March 18-19, 1944. WWII.In the Woods with the Maquis

By Victoria Yeager / March 20, 2014

March 18-19, 2014 We bike ride back to Nerac in record time and sack out in the shed at Gabriel’s. At night, Raoul leaves. Gabriel takes me out in the forest. Uh oh. We hike for hours. I’m on guard. Where is he taking me? Why? I try not to think about how freezing cold…

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March 17-19, 1944: WWII. Blowing up Bridges.

By Victoria Yeager / March 18, 2014

March 17, ’44:  Gabriel sends me with Raoul by bicycle up to Gabriel’s family home. I don’t know anything except I’m to go with Raoul. Hope I can trust him. We get to Gabriel’s parents’ house in about 3 hours. My legs are a bit stiff but I don’t have an alternative or a car.…

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March 16-17, 1944:WWII. Close call-Germans Walk Right in Front of Me

By Victoria Yeager / March 17, 2014

March 16, ’44: The girl leaves. No chance. But really too dangerous – don’t ever know who is on what side. March 17, 1944: Not much to do so I venture a little closer to the road – watch the passersby from under the shade of the tree, think about my next move. How am…

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