The History of Chuck Yeager

American Hero

The Road to Breaking the Sound Barrier, one of the two greatest scientific advancements of aviation

October 8, 1947

Chuck Yeager flies the XS-1, tail #46-062, on USAF/Yeager's 7th powered flight. Yeager reaches MACH 0.925 Purpose: Airspeed calibration flight.

HOWEVER, Yeager loses control of the airplane.

The sound barrier's shockwave lays down on the hinge of the horizontal stabilizer - the "tail wing" that controls pitch. Yeager eases off the speed & control is regained. He lands and tells Jack Ridley, his flight engineer, that the program is over - he lost control in the transonic region, close to MACH 1.

Ridley contemplates this and says, "You've got a manual trim tab. You think you can manipulate it while going through the transonic region?"