Chuck Yeager: Where I Was on December 7, 1941 When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Chuck Yeager 1942 after Moffett Field

Chuck Yeager 1942 after Moffett Field

General Chuck Yeager’s words: I had entered the Army Air Corps September 9, 1941, fresh out of high school and a summer of working with Dad, chores, huntin’, swimmin’ and fishin’.

Moffett Field Dirigible Hangar 1933

Moffett Field Dirigible Hangar 1933








On December 7, 1941; I was stationed at Moffett Field in California, still a crew chief, although I had applied for pilot training.

Jimmy Stewart, pilot, after serving at Moffett Field

Jimmy Stewart, pilot, after serving at Moffett Field with Chuck Yeager




Jimmy Stewart was a Buck Sergeant and my CO.

I was walking downtown when I heard over the radio – that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. All military personnel were ordered to their bases.

Was California next? Or….what was next? We were on extreme high alert.

Note from Victoria: A few years ago, General Yeager and I visited Moffett Field Hangar One where the dirigible was kept. That was one of Private Yeager’s early assignments – guarding the dirigible hangar. First time in California – he had never seen palm trees before September, 1941.