Adventures with Chuck

Chris Golden – Oak Ridge Boy

By Victoria Yeager / September 9, 2010

  Photo by Patty Wagstaff. Fr left to rt: William Lee Golden, Donny Carr (lead guitar), Chuck Yeager, Chris Golden, Chris Nole (keyboard) Chris is the son of William Lee Goldin. He gave K and J a copy of one of his CDs in Oroville where General Yeager introduced the Oak Ridge Boys. When General Yeager got…

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Fishing on the Tsiu, Beachcombing on the Pacific, Alaska

By Victoria Yeager / September 9, 2010

The next day, it threatened rain. Many had gone duck hunting. We ate breakfast, put on our gear, got into the cart, and, while I was thinking maybe I’ll stay back and read about Eddie Rickenbacker…it POURED rain. Sigh. We got to the Big Bend where we could see LOTS of fish that had gotten…

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Fishing on the Tsiu – First 2 days

By Victoria Yeager / September 8, 2010

We arrived on the spit between the Pacific Ocean and the Tsiu River in the rain by Gooney Bird, the DC 3 -which is always a great ride rain or shine. That afternoon, many went out to fish, including Gen Yeager. I slept and read – really needed it.Gen Yeager came back quite happy – he had caught…

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Scraping the Roads

By Victoria Yeager / August 30, 2010

garden, eggplant, scraping roads, tomato sandwiches

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No fly day

By Victoria Yeager / August 29, 2010

General Yeager and I planned to eat lunch and then go fly. We did a couple errands after lunch since we were early – plane was booked. When we got to the airport, it was 108 degrees. Wow! Hot! The diamond has a bubble canopy that bakes you and it had been closed for a…

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It Takes A Little Rain To Make Love Grow- Oak Ridge Boys

By Victoria Yeager / August 26, 2010

Duane sings It Take A little Rain, Jimmy Fulbright sings, Chuck Yeager talks at memorial

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Jimmy Fulbright loans his long brown hair to General Chuck Yeager

By Victoria Yeager / August 25, 2010

Jimmy lends General Chuck Yeager hair

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Don Bochkay, World War II Triple Fighter Ace, 357th FG

By Victoria Yeager / August 22, 2010

Don Bochkay, Triple Fighter Ace, Chuck Yeager,

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“Mr. Terry”&”Mrs. Terri” Smith, our friends

By Victoria Yeager / August 21, 2010

Terry Smith a safe pilot

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Fishing in Alaska by Helicopter

By Victoria Yeager / August 21, 2010

Helicopter Fly fishing, Chuck Yeager, Victoria Yeager, bears, eagles,fishing

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Nevada County Fair Cinnamon rolls

By Victoria Yeager / August 13, 2010

Frenchman, Nita, cinnamon rolls

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General Yeager flying Citation V to go fishing

By Victoria Yeager / August 11, 2010

Chuck Yeager flying Citation V, Cliff Robertson, Clay Lacy, funny

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