Scraping the Roads

Gen Yeager was using our neighbor’s scraper on the back of his front end loader – scraping/maintaining our roads. He’s amazing. He’s not just a pretty face!

We’ve been having tomato sandwiches for lunch and dinner – tomatoes from our garden, which Gen Yeager planted. with great mayo on whole wheat. MMM. I helped, not just with the eating, but with the planting, and Susan, our Chinese friend,  helped weed and prune when she was here for 10 days.

We have BIG yellow ones and BIG red ones. Deeelicious. The melons are coming on so we’re looking forward to those. Our friends in Roseville area have an earlier harvest so they have been sharing their tomatoes and extra special melons with us. Our friend’s mother hadn’t had that variety since her husband, our friend’s father died, MANY years ago. So quite a treat.

I also have been making eggplant from our garden. Wow! Is it good! Gen Yeager slices it for me. I dip it in some nonfat milk, then some healthy flour (got it so long ago I forget which one darn it), then put it in the iron skillet in which I have already put olive oil. Then I put seasoning on them – whatever strikes my fancy – no two dishes are ever exactly the same :-), cover and keep on low heat so it cooks through. After a while…5-10 minutes maybe??? I really don’t know – I check the bottoms. If they are dark brown, I flip them, add more olive oil and cover. After I’ve done some other quick chore, I check them. If dark, out they come and the new batch in.

Wait for the cooked batch to cool – they are VERY hot. This always strikes me about life. First you have to heat it up – wait for it to heat up, cook, and be very hot. Then you have to wait for it to cool down to eat. Seems like a merry-go-round. However, it is deeeelicious. (That’s a 4 e delicious dish).

And leftovers, like most seasoned vegetarian food – are even better.