WWII.Mar 6, 1944: Behind Enemy Lines:Germans Everywhere Looking for Yeager

March 6, 1944: Behind Enemy Lines:Germans Everywhere Looking for Me:

In the morning, I hear a rhythmic banging. I crawl to where I could see – it is a woodsman chopping wood.

We were told, if we’re shot down or behind enemy lines, to approach poor people – they would be the most likely to help us. He seems to fit the bill.

We play charades – he doesn’t speak English, I don’t speak French. Tells me to wait right there- he would be back.

I move off 50 yards, reposition with protection from and a good view of where I had met the woodsman.

He returns with 2 men, whispering: American, where are you?

I suss them out – they are unarmed and not menacing so I present myself.

They take me to a Russian lady who speaks English. She runs a spa hotel. Her daughter age 14, is there.

Her first words: Has America run out of men already that they have to send boys?

Me: I’m 21 – that’s about the right age.

She harumphs and tries again: Are you married?

Me: No.

RL: “Aha! You are wearing a ring!” as she points at my right hand.

I look; then explain: that’s my high school ring.

RL: That’s your wedding ring finger.

Mr: In America, we were the wedding ring on the left hand.

I guess I pass – not a German trying to infiltrate the Maquis. They give me civilian clothes and hide me in the barn.

Some Germans arrive and start searching. I can hear them outside. They come inside and start poking in the hay.

I am about as far back as one can get. Just hoping they’d miss. Glad now of the lack of food and being skinny – they can tease me about being skinny all they want  – maybe the pitchfork tines will go either side of me and I’ll have the last laugh.

Time slows down – it seems forever.

After the Germans leave and I can breathe again, the French tell me to rest up – that night they are taking me to another hide-out.

Good – this one was dicey. But the Germans had already been so probably wouldn’t be back….