Salmon Wellington

Today was really fun. We culminated in going to a new to us restaurant in Grass Valley . It’s a sort of unique “tapas” and wine bar. They had beer, but not General Yeager’s favorite – Bud light. This is the third restaurant in Grass Valley that didn’t serve his favorite – only foreign beers.

He settled for Corona. I tasted it – tiny sip. Probably my 3rd taste of beer. It was pretty good – or maybe I was mostly tasting the lime Gen Yeager had squeezed in. I’d still rather eat my calories – with Gen Yeager’s homemade honey vanilla ice cream!

At the tapas bar: Since there were only the two of us, we didn’t get the full assortment. (And we weren’t drinking wine).

But what we did get, was great! Salmon Wellington – mushroom, salmon in pastry. And a salad assortment. My favorite was beet, with orange, and goat cheese. The other – blue cheese cole slaw was pretty unique and good. And then eggplant with red peppers.

Gen Yeager had babyback pork ribs. Lots of honey – delicious. I especially like the small portions 🙂

Next time, we’ll bring a few friends so I can taste a lot more – wished I could have had the chicken taragon stuffed artichoke hearts.

There aren’t too many gourmet restaurants here so this was a treat!

Beautiful day – even though a bit hot.