After much delay, our plane took off from Atlanta. After a looooong flight to Sacramento, we finally arrived. I had told Gen Yeager we’d be 2 hours late but we had gained an hour during flight. I knew he’d be early so figured about a half hour wait.

I looked up and down just in case. A car that almost looked like ours was 40 yds to my left. I looked again. The letters were almost in focus. I hesitated, walked towards it. The lights flashed. YAY!

Chuck had stopped at our cousins by marriage on the way to the airport since he saw he was very early and they had fed him hamburger helper.

It was late – I was soooo glad to see him. I could not have driven myself home at that hour.

He regaled me with all the fishing – no…CATCHING stories. He brought home a lot of fish.

And I regaled him with our adventures looking for Grandpa Yeager’s home. And Gen Y’s home in Hubble, and Aunt Lulu’s home, Uncle Willie’s home…

And now our home – good to be here. With the peacocks, turkeys, quail (lots of little ones), dove. And esp. my husband.