Peacocks – still there

I called my husband to tell him I had arrived safely in West Virginia and that I missed him. He wasn’t home. So I checked the messages. Our neighbors, ever faithful, had invited him to a pizza dinner. Pepperoni pizza. His favorite.

I called them. He had just left. So we chatted a bit till we figured he got home, hung up and I called home.


“Yeager, this is Yeager.”

Reminded me of Gen Yeager’s story of his first flight into Charleston after they named the airport Yeager.

“Yeager, this is Yeager.”

It took them some time to catch on. What a thrill for all though.

General Yeager told me the peacocks were still there and none of our neighbors knew from whence they might have come. He fed them some rice feed we had.

Ever practical, he said, they might cr– up a storm and leave a mess but what the hell. That male is BEAUtiful.

Hope they stay.