Landing in Nevada

Today, General Yeager and I wended our way home. We took off, and climbed more slowly than ever. And were blown north. We figured without correction, we’d end up in Portland, OR.

We got to the south side of Tahoe and the other side was socked in. Gen Yeager said, Don’t worry. See Tahoe City? We’ll fly there – the top of the peaks around it are less than 9000 where we are.

We decided we could probably stay with our friend Ann, who lives in Truckee.

So we flew to Tahoe City and thru the pass to Truckee. With Truckee airport in sight, we decided to see how far we could get up I-80. Gen Yeager said we can drop down a little over I-80.

The farther we went, the better the visability – altho there was a thin cloud cover much higher. It was fun – we flew over Bowman, flew along a water canal – to an electricity generator.

Hadn’t flown this low before. Pretty.

We got to the airport – Nevada County – viewed the windsock and decided to land on 7. I did the radio calls. Seven is down draft city. And we had our share on final and then on landing – sinking too quickly, General Yeager put on some power -just the right amount – and we flew along till the wind quit throwing our wings around and greased it on. Wow. Such calm.

When I went into the airport office, L asked how was our landing. I said fine. Then I thought & asked: Why? Did you see it?

L: Yeah – your wings were all over the place.

Me: Yeah – I learned a lot about calmly flying your aircraft. Because Chuck ultimately greased it on.

We smiled. Happy Memorial Day!