Formation Flying

6-9 mars 1944: Caché à la vue de tous à Casteljaloux et à Pompogne à Vélo

By Victoria Yeager / March 9, 2021

6-9 mars 1944 Abattu le 5 mars 1944, se cachant toujours des Allemands et de la Milice française. J’ai passé la nuit dans une maison bien en vue à Casteljaloux, France. J’étais caché sous la maison dans un espace qui s’étendait de l’avant à l’arrière de la maison, une petite fenêtre à chaque extrémité donc…

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March 6-9 Hiding in Plain Sight from Germans and French Milice

By Victoria Yeager / March 9, 2021

March 6-9, 1944 Shot down March 5, 1944, still hiding from the Germans and French Milice. I spent the night in a house in plain sight in Casteljaloux, France. I was hidden under the house in a space which extended from the front to the back of the house, a small window at either end…

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General Yeager Leads Fly By for General Eisenhower’s Memorial – in his own words

By Victoria Yeager / March 7, 2021

General Yeager told this story at the National Memorial Day Parade in 2012: “Don’t tell anybody but: After General Eisenhower died, Mamie Eisenhower asked if I could plan, lead and execute a fly-by during his funeral procession. “I responded: Yes, ma’am! “I called the Pentagon and Andrews to set it up. A two star said:…

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Shot down over France

By Victoria Yeager / March 4, 2021

Free falling. Flat on my back. Spinning from 16,000 feet. Velocity doubling each second. Hold off. Get below clouds where Krauts can’t see your chute. Yank that cord now, you’re dead. Germans strafe guys floating down. Clouds whisk past. French countryside filling horizon. Even so, wait goddammit. Ground rushing up. Occupied territory. Two fingers grip…

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In His Own Words: Emmett Hatch, black pilot, in Chuck Yeager’s Squadron 1950’s

By Victoria Yeager / July 12, 2019

In his own words from Yeager, An Autobiography pp 290-297: “The Air Force had only been integrated seven or eight years by the time I became a fighter pilot. I came up through the ranks as an enlisted man, the same as Chuck Yeager, but it wasn’t easy for me as a black man. There…

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From Chuck Yeager shot down over France

By Victoria Yeager / March 7, 2018

March 4, 1944 1st daylight raid over Berlin. Weather was stinkin’. Only 2 P-51s guarding a box of bombers. They hit their targes. I shot down my first enemy aircraft (a/c). Woo hoo. I was out of ammo returning home. I espied the stragglers of the bombers in formation heading home. I called ahead. “Can…

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Flying Pennsylvania Ave, Wash., DC for General/Mamie Eisenhower

By Victoria Yeager / August 4, 2013

General Yeager had agreed to serve as Grand Marshal for the National Memorial Day Parade 2012. He was honored to accept on behalf of and representing veterans to honor those who had died. Just before the Parade started, he was asked to speak. So that is how General Yeager came to be standing in front…

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The French Engineers Just Shook Their Heads

By Victoria Yeager / July 20, 2013

From Chuck Yeager: A couple years after I broke the sound barrier, someone forced the issue and General Boyd was forced to order me back to test pilot school to complete the standard and evaluation course. The instructors knew I was not an academic and couldn’t wait to fail me, the pilot who broke the…

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The Hell There Ain’t….

By Victoria Yeager / July 10, 2013

General Yeager told me this story July 10, 2013: Jack Ridley was itching to fly the X-1 after we succeeded in breaking the sound barrier. Finally, when he got his chance, he asked if I would fly chase. Almost every flight in the X-1 had an issue from electricity going out, to no radio, to…

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“Chuck, I can’t see in here!”

By Victoria Yeager / July 10, 2013

General Yeager: I never lost a pilot while flying chase, but there were many close calls. From Carl Bellinger: Flying chase was an art that not many test pilots bothered to perfect. There’s no glory flying chase – no goal assist, no brownie points. But a skilled and dedicated chase pilot often meant the difference…

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