Photos from Yeagers’ South Africa trip

Just got some photos I had taken in South Africa and some taken by another of us. What a great time we had!

So many people were very appreciative of us visiting South Africa. And we thoroughly enjoyed all the wonderful people we met.

Talking with Tokyo Sexwale, Nelson Mandela's righthand man

Here are a few photos of Tokyo Sexwale, a very positive, enthusiastic, intelligent, astute, effective role model. He was Nelson Mandela’s righthand man – spent 15 years in prison with him. Like President Mandela, Tokyo Sexwale promoted peace, unity, forgiveness, properity for all. When I asked him if he had any children, he replied: “Two (and told me their ages). I started late because I had been in prison a while.”

I didn’t know who he was when he said it, nor his background and thought: Well that was forthright.

"Mrs. Chuck" & Tokyo Sexwale, helped President Nelson Mandela promote peace, forgiveness & unity in South Africa

Then I learned more about him. Here are a few photos of him. He called me “Mrs. Chuck”.

Two Greats - Leaders, Heroes

I wonder if he’ll be President himself one day.


This is a photo I took of a large herd of eland in a game area near Capetown, South Africa. Gorgeous.


It was hard to leave these ostrich chicks – soooo cute!

Awww!Capt Point - Mama & her brood of ostrich chicks

I can watch most young animals for hours. And all they’re doing is eating or…walking…or…I don’t know what it is. I find it very entertaining.

 I love lighthouses, too.

Nothing under my sleeves...err...wing.

Or “Does this outfit make me look fat?”

LOVE your suit! How's the surf?

And ocean waves.


Near Cape Point, near Capetown, South Africa October 2010.

Love those waves!

Wild & wonderful!

And lighthouses:

Beacon of safety

We had a great time as you can see. More photos to come.