Photos from Yeagers’ South Africa trip
Just got some photos I had taken in South Africa and some taken by another of us. What a great time we had!
So many people were very appreciative of us visiting South Africa. And we thoroughly enjoyed all the wonderful people we met.
Here are a few photos of Tokyo Sexwale, a very positive, enthusiastic, intelligent, astute, effective role model. He was Nelson Mandela’s righthand man – spent 15 years in prison with him. Like President Mandela, Tokyo Sexwale promoted peace, unity, forgiveness, properity for all. When I asked him if he had any children, he replied: “Two (and told me their ages). I started late because I had been in prison a while.”
I didn’t know who he was when he said it, nor his background and thought: Well that was forthright.

Then I learned more about him. Here are a few photos of him. He called me “Mrs. Chuck”.
I wonder if he’ll be President himself one day.

This is a photo I took of a large herd of eland in a game area near Capetown, South Africa. Gorgeous.
It was hard to leave these ostrich chicks – soooo cute!
I can watch most young animals for hours. And all they’re doing is eating or…walking…or…I don’t know what it is. I find it very entertaining.
I love lighthouses, too.
Or “Does this outfit make me look fat?”
And ocean waves.
Near Cape Point, near Capetown, South Africa October 2010.
And lighthouses:
We had a great time as you can see. More photos to come.